An Introduction to Body Corporate – QLD

If you have recently moved into a Body Corporate and the Body Corporate Management team listed is SSKB, we would like to introduce ourselves. We are the managers of your Body Corporate. Our role is to make your Body Corporate experience as frictionless as possible. Click here to find out what your roles and obligations […]

Body Corporate Secretary Responsibilities

In a Body Corporate, a new Committee is elected at each Annual General Meeting by the Lot owners. This Committee is responsible for the administrative and day-to-day running of the community, including making decisions on behalf of Lot owners, and enforcing lawful decisions of the Body Corporate.  Committees are comprised of three executive members – […]

Body Corporate Chairperson Responsibilities

In a Body Corporate, a new Committee is elected at each Annual General Meeting by the Lot Owners.  This Committee is responsible for the administrative and day-to-day running of the community, including making decisions on behalf of Lot Owners, and enforcing lawful decisions of the Body Corporate. Committees generally consist of three executive members – […]

What is a Capital Works Fund? – NSW

If you live in an Owners Corporation in New South Wales, your scheme will be required to have a Capital Works Fund.    The money in a Capital Works Fund can be spent on several different things such as:  major painting to common property;  basement car park marking;  repair concrete roadways and driveways;  replacement motor to […]

Making Strata Living Simple With the SSKB App

At SSKB we understand that our committee members and lot owners have busy lives.  At SSKB we have a solution for you, we made strata living simple with the SSKB app giving you all of your strata needs at the swipe of a thumb. What can committee members access on the app? Many committee members […]

Census – What your Body Corporate needs to know

Census - What your Body Corporate needs to know

Every five years, the Australian Bureau of Statistics counts every person and household in Australia. The Census form asks questions such as age, country of birth, religion, ancestry, language used at home, work and education. The next Census is Tuesday 10 August 2021. Below we have shared some information for Bodies Corporate and what they […]

Sharing is Caring – Strata Edition

By Abbie Wilson My parents tell me that when I was born, my brother had a hard time adjusting to no longer being an only child. All of a sudden he could no longer use his toys without interruption, whenever he wanted to, and however he pleased. As parents need to do, ours implemented some […]

What Are the Positives of Strata Living?

By Abbie Wilson. Strata living is becoming increasing popular throughout Australia. For those who have not had the pleasure of living in a strata property, we have created this article to let you know some of the main benefits of living in strata. I had the pleasure of living in my first strata property 3 […]

Noise in Strata

Everyone has the right to the quiet enjoyment of their home. But what if your neighbour‘s enjoyment isn’t quiet? What if it is loud, ongoing and intrusive?  The issue of noisy neighbours is one experienced everywhere, but in close living arrangements such as strata living, the impact is exacerbated.  Common noise complaints in strata schemes include […]

Vote Outside of The Committee With The SSKB App

How do you complete a vote outside of the Committee? Rather than searching through your emails, printing and scanning, clients of SSKB can VOC on the SSKB app.  We believe being a committee member should be easy, and with SSKB it is.  The SSKB App provides you with all the information you need at the swipe […]

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