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Paperless Communication

Paperless Communication


Nothing could be more simple than making the switch to paperless. Just fill in the form above to confirm your details and your e-mail address and you’re done.

And going paperless simply makes sense. Receive your levy/fee notice direct and conveniently to your e-mail in-box. Never miss an important notice relating to your community when you access e-mail across all your mobile devices.


Paperless delivery of notices is safe and secure.You can help reduce the risk of identity fraud by reducing the number of mail items coming into unsecured mailboxes which can be a target for theft – only you have access to your e-mail account.

Put an end to lost paperwork! Reduce the anxiety of lost or missing notifications by going paperless.You can access your levy/fee notices time and again from your e-mail account.

In addition, you can also securely log into your SSKB Portal and check all your details and your account history.


With the postal delivery no longer being as fast as it used to be, going paperless means receiving contribution notices within minutes of issue – not up to a week later.

Payments can also be made quickly and conveniently through StrataPay, DEFT, BPay and Credit Card. Click here to find out more. Never miss out on learning important news. Receiving important notifications through the convenience of e-mail means knowing what is happening in your strata community straight away.


Did you know that every tonne of paper recycled saves almost 13 trees, 4,100 kilowatts of electricity and more than 30,000 litres (7,900 gallons) of water?

Did you know that only 8% of paper is recycled in Australia compared with 51% in the United States, 73% in New Zealand and 85% in Switzerland?

We’ve estimated that 45kg of paper a year would be saved if only one-third of our community elected to receive their contribution notices electronically – and this doesn’t take into account the paper saved by receiving minutes and meeting notifications by e-mail.

You can help by going paperless at home and only printing out things you really need.

Going paperless with SSKB not only saves trees (by reducing paper usage), but it also reduces your carbon footprint by eliminating transportation of your notifications.

How can we help you?

We help you take repetitive, time-consuming tasks off your plate


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