May 5, 2022

Owners Corporation Roles and Responsibilities You Need to Know – NSW

Every Owner of a lot in a strata scheme is automatically a member of the Owners Corporation. The Committee is made up of volunteer Owners from the Owners Corporation.  

Owners Corporation  

The Owners Corporation is made up of all the owners in a strata scheme. 

When you buy a property in a strata scheme, you automatically become part of the Owners Corporation. If you sell the property you own, you are no longer part of the Owners Corporation. 

The Owners Corporation makes decisions and manages the overall scheme. This includes: 

  • finances 
  • insurance   
  • record keeping   
  • repairing and maintaining common property   
  • by-laws   
  • strata meetings 
  • hiring a strata manager 
  • hiring a building manager 
  • following all laws about planning, building, safety, and workers. 

There are laws and processes to follow for each of these jobs. 

Strata Committee
The Strata Committee is the executive arm of the Owners Corporation. The Strata Committee has the duty of putting into effect the lawful decisions of the strata title. It is a group charged with decision-making power to deal with matters of lesser importance that confront an Owners Corporation during the year. The Committee is elected yearly at the annual general meeting.  

The duties of the Strata Committee Members include: 

  • Attending all the committee meetings each year. These meetings are called as required and are usually quarterly.  
  • Reading the meeting notices prior to attending the meeting. 
  • Attending to various jobs (e.g. obtaining quotes for painting or gardening). 

These duties can be made easier for clients of SSKB by utilising the SSKB app. Click here to learn more about the SSKB app. 

NSW - how an owners corporation operates chart

Strata Manager  

The role of a Strata Manager is to support strata communities to meet the legislative and administrative obligations of running an Owners Corporation. 

The specific duties performed may change from community to community dependent on its size, complexity and the involvement of the Owners Corporation Committee. That role is explained in the management agreement. A Strata Manager can only take instructions from the Committee. 

The Owners Corporation can choose which jobs to give to a Strata manager. These jobs could include: 

  • co-ordinating and conducting meetings 
  • collecting and banking levies, and obtaining insurance 
  • advising on asset management 
  • keeping the scheme’s financial records. 

Building Manager 

The Building Manager’s role and services are specified in the agreement between the Building Manager and the Owners Corporation. Usually, the Building Manager will be responsible for duties such as maintaining the garden, mowing lawns, cleaning lifts, lobbies, changing light bulbs, and overseeing refuse collection. 

The Building Manager is there to ensure the building is repaired and maintained in accordance with the terms and conditions of their agreement.  

If you would like more information on the roles and responsibilities of your Owners Corporation, please don’t hesitate to contact your Strata Manager. 

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