How to Join a Body Corporate Committee – Queensland

How to Join a Body Corporate Committee – Queensland

The Body Corporate Committee is responsible for making decisions on behalf of the Body Corporate and putting lawful decisions of the Body Corporate into effect.

The Committee has a maximum of 7 and a minimum of 3 members consisting of lot owners, lot owner family members or holders of power of attorney on behalf of a lot owner.

These positions are made up of:

  • One Chairperson
  • One Treasurer
  • One Secretary
  • Up to four ordinary members

Roles in a Body Corporate graphic

At each Annual General Meeting (AGM) a new Committee are elected to serve for the next financial year.

Before a Committee can be elected, nominations must be received by the Body Corporate. 6 weeks prior to the end of financial year, a notice will be sent out to all owners in a Body Corporate requesting any nominations for the Committee.

Each independent lot can make one nomination per financial year. However, you may nominate this individual for more than one position. You may also self-nominate.

How do I nominate for the Committee?

To nominate, simply complete the form received in the request for nominations notice and return this to SSKB before the end of your Bodies Corporate financial year. To complete this form, provide your details as a nominator, details of the individual you are nominating, and the position you are nominating for. For this nomination to be valid neither the nominator nor the nominee can be in debt to the Body Corporate.

Where only one individual has been nominated for a position, this individual will be elected automatically. Additionally, where the 3 executive positions have one nomination per position, these candidates are elected, and the election process is complete.

In the situation where more than one individual has been nominated for a position, an election process is undertaken where each lot owner reserves one vote per lot, per position.

It is important for lot owners to consider nominating for Committee positions and equally to participate in the election process.

For a nomination to be valid, it must comply with the following: 

  • Self-nominating lot owners must sign and date the form themselves both as a nominator and a candidate;
  • Lot owners nominating someone other than themselves must sign the form and have the candidate sign and date it and state the nominator’s lot number;
  • It must state the nominated person’s name, the position for which that person is nominated and whether the candidate is a lot owner;
  • If the candidate is not a lot owner, the nomination must state the candidate’s residential or business address and the basis of the candidates eligibility to be nominated; and
  • The nomination must state in a correctly worded motion form the details of any payment that may be sought by the candidate to be made to the candidate for carrying out Committee duties to be considered by the members at the Annual General Meeting.

SSKB understands the importance of working closely with Committees to make a positive difference in your Strata Community. Mowbray Residential Chairperson, Terry O’Hanlon-Rose stated that “The SSKB app has made life so simple as the Body Corporate Chair and the Committee. The Committee loves the group chat facility, and it also gives information about all of the different Committee members. It allows portability so we can contact each other at any time of the day, anywhere, through the app that’s on our mobile phone.”

Click here to watch our “6 Tips for Successful Committee Meetings” video.

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