Capital Works Fund Forecast Common Q & A

Capitol Works Fund

What is a Capital Works Fund: An Owner’s Corporation’s Capital Works Fund (CWF) is effectively a deposit which exists to allow an OC to pay for repairs and maintenance of a building.  Who is the Capital works Fund Plan prepared by and how is it prepared? A quantity surveyor typically prepares the capitol works fund […]

Maintenance Plan Common Q & A

maintenance plan

What is a Maintenance Fund: An Owners Corporation’s Maintenance Fund is effectively a “savings account” which exists to allow an Owners Corporation to pay for major repairs and maintenance of a building, in accordance with the scheme’s Maintenance Plan.  Who is the Maintenance Plan prepared by and how is it prepared? A quantity surveyor typically prepares […]

What Do Your Strata Fees Include?-VIC

What Do Your Strata Fees Include

It’s firstly important to understand what Owners Corporation fees are?  Paying Owners Corporation fees is a fundamental necessity of living in a strata scheme. When sharing a building and common property with multiple owners it is only fair that all owners contribute to the upkeep and the running of the Owners Corporation.  Travis Henry, Senior […]

What Do Your Strata Fees Include?- NSW

ThIts firstly important to understand what Owners Corporation fees are?  Paying Owners Corporation fees is a fundamental necessity of living in a strata scheme. When sharing a building and common property with multiple owners it is only fair that all evenly contribute to the upkeep and the running of the Owners Corporation.   As an owner […]

What Do Your Strata Levies Include? QLD

Firstly, it’s important to understand what Body Corporate levies are.  Paying levies or contributions is a fundamental necessity of living in a strata scheme. When sharing a building and common property with multiple owners it is only fair that all contribute to the upkeep and the running of the Body Corporate.   As an owner in […]

Body Corporate Levies 101 – QLD

One of the benefits of living in a Body Corporate is that each Owner contributes to the future upkeep of the property. It is important as an Owner, to understand your Body Corporate levies. In this article, we will share what makes up Body Corporate levies, how Sinking Funds and Administration Funds are financed, and […]

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