Our latest innovation is here! As part of our technology offerings, SSKB are excited to announce the launch of our new online voting software Click2Vote!
SSKB Click2Vote is the online voting platform for AGMs and EGMs that makes voting fast, effortless and innovative. Clients of SSKB can vote on any device making your voting experience quick and easy. Simply ‘click to vote’.
Click2Vote was created to meet the demand for our customers to move into a digital world. Clients of SSKB can now vote in an easier, quicker, environmentally friendly way from anywhere in the world. With many owners living overseas, Click2Vote will allow them to participate and will therefore result in higher voting rates.
So, how does it work?
Click2Vote allows SSKB clients to vote at the click of a button on any device.
Owners that have an email address registered with SSKB will receive a link to our digital platform Click2Vote when the email notice for the annual general meeting is sent. Then all you need to do is simply Click2Vote.
If you do not have an email registered with SSKB, you will continue to receive your voting papers via mail. Please email sskb@sskb.com.au if you would like to register your email address with SSKB.
To make voting easy, all motions voted on will be presented on an individual screen. Once you vote yes or no, simply click next to vote for the next motion.
Once you have voted for each motion, you will be able to easily see what you have voted for on a summary page. Once on the summary page, if you realise you have voted incorrectly for a motion, you can easily change your vote.
Ross Hardcastle, Head of Strategy and Innovation for SSKB explained, “I’m excited to see how Click2Vote will improve convenience for our clients. Previously, clients may have to print off a 10-page document, tick yes or no for each motion and then scan each page before emailing back their votes. With Click2Vote, clients click the link sent to their email on any device, click yes or no to each motion, review their responses and then submit. I believe this simple process will result in a significant increase of owner participation when it comes to voting.”
SSKB is committed to investing in technology and innovations to make a positive difference in the lives of our communities. We understand that being a committee member is not your only role in life. We are dedicated to our continuous improvement of processes for our clients to make strata living hassle-free with SSKB.
If you’re not a client of SSKB and would like to see how easy it is to make the switch, click here to request a proposal.